Commercial Surface Cleaning with Water Reclaim

Large Warehouse with Clean Floors
we specialize in water reclaim

Complete Floor and Surface Cleaning

Most factories or manufacturing facilities build up debris or particulate on surfaces that are not caught by the air filtration systems. In these cases it can cause slip and falls or an overall safety concern. You definitely don’t want one of those situations so it is good to have a plan of action in place. Some industrial businesses may have forklifts or vehicles in high traffic areas inside of buildings that leave a residue of rubber or oils that can be very slippery and carry through the facility. RetCom specializes in surface cleaning with wash water reclaim services. Our commercial equipment can handle the largest of jobs and leave the surface areas dry. Large scale projects can be done in sections for those businesses that have to continue their daily operations if there are multiple shifts in a 24 hour period. RetCom is an extension of your company and will work with your team every step of the way.


We Leave the Surface Looking Like New

Concrete can also hide dust and dirt pretty well on the surfaces and in the cracks which can build up over time. Wether the floor is finished or unfinished, either situation can cause a slippery and dangerous environment if not maintained properly. Our solutions are environmentally friendly and strong enough to get the job done. We care about the results and that is why you should call RetCom commercial surface cleaning solutions for your next job.

Inside or Water Reclaim System